Inauguration of Professor Klas Abelson

Klas Abelson has been heading the research and education activities at the department since 2009, as Associate Professor 2011-2021, and as Full Professor since October 2021.

The inauguration ceremony will be held the 25th of March in the Henrik Dam auditorium, Panum from 14:00. The program is as follows:

14:00 Welcome by Professor Jann Hau, Head of the Department of Experimental Medicine
14:10 Inauguration by Professor Mogens Holst Nissen, Vice-Dean for Research of the Faculty of Health and Medical Science
14:20 Inauguration lecture by Professor Klas Abelson.
Title: Pain research using animal models – can it be done without pain?
15:00 Reception

The ceremony is open to everyone, but pre-registration is required. Please contact for registering. The ceremony will be held in English.